2024/2025 FIS World Cup Outlook

With eight World Cup stops and the World Championships on the 2024/2025 FIS calendar, this season is going to demand stamina, mental strength, and unwavering determination from athletes aspiring to lift the coveted Globe. The 2024/25 Telemark World Cup and World Championships schedule is as follows: 20–21 ... More

2023/2024 FIS World Cup Recap

The 2023-24 Telemark World Cup season ended in Pra-Loup, France, with memorable achievements. Jasmin Taylor (GBR) secured her first Overall Globe, becoming the most successful British Telemark athlete. Elie Nabot (FRA) also claimed his first Globe, underscoring the dominance of French athletes this season. French juniors ... More

FIS Telemark World Cup Race Director, Adrian Pery

Congratulations to the new FIS Telemark World Cup Race Director, Adrian Pery

After two decades as Race Director, Andreja Jovan bid farewell to the FIS Telemark World Cup at the end of the 2023-24 season in Pra-Loup (FRA). Her tenure concluded on a high note with the successful Junior World Championships and World Cup finals. Adrian Pery has been appointed as her successor. The native of southern ... More

2024 US Telemark Karbon Nationals

The 2024 Karbon US Telemark Ski Nationals, hosted at Gunstock Mountain Resort in Gilford, NH,  was filled with great people both participating and volunteering in the races (if not ideal weather). We kicked off as usual with a welcome day where participants could sign-in, check out the venue and then do a little raining ... More

Tory Hauser – Reflects on 40 years of Telemark and Friendships

Tory Hauser - Racing 40 years ago in skinny skis and leather boots It was 40 years ago, 1981/82, that I took up this crazy sport of telemark ski racing. I was on a mountaineering trip traversing Denali on 3-pins and we got stuck in a storm at 17k' after summiting. We met some other summiters that had done the ... More

2020 Teams Announced

USTSA is kicking off the 2019-2020 season with the announcement of the four US Telemark Teams; A-Team, B-Team, Development Team and the Masters Team. Across the four Teams USTSA is supporting 39 athletes for the upcoming season.   The A-Team, or World Cup Team, consists of only the top US Telemark athletes, who are ... More

World Cup Season

Every few years a US skier creates the opportunity to move to Europe for the winter, train with another national team, and compete in all of the World Cup events.  This year, teammates Cory Snyder and Tanner Vinsnik planned to do just that.  Cory moved to Salzburg to work on his PhD while Tanner moved to France.  Both ... More

Foulk and Gay win National Championships

The beginning of the week started off with some, um, weather. It seemed like all of Colorado shut down, so for those that were there early we got in some incredible powder turns, but it also meant some on-the-fly schedule adjustments, moving one Classic to Friday morning, so that athletes who's flights had been canceled ... More

Early Season Review

Our athletes are on the move! From World Cups to local events, USTSA athletes are in full-winter mode. In fact, with snow storms blowing in across the country it’s safe to say that winter is here to stay for a bit. Cory Snyder The FIS World Cup opened with La Thuile, Italy. USTSA athletes Cory Snyder and Larry ... More

G’paw’s trip out east

I had a wonderful time out east… there were cheers, tears, and old friends waiting for me. It was good to be back.   First, I would like to thank Nathan, Keith, Sarah, and all the other US Telemark supporters for their outstanding work and leadership in hosting the Gore Mountain Tele extravaganza weekend. ... More