Charlie Dresen has prepared a video demonstrating a 3 minute workout that he does 3 times a week to train for power, strength, agility and fitness needed for the telemark skier and racer.
Telemark Conditioning Video Workout for Strength, Agility, Power and Quickness
Prepared by Charlie Dresen, USTSA Team Member
See what the Lau Brothers of France do to prepare for their 2011 season. Who can forget seeing all three brothers on the podium in Steamboat Springs in 2010.
Comments by Charlie Dresen, 2012 US Telemark National Champion
Hips square to hill (always facing down the hill) Quiet upper body. Her arms and upper torso are very quiet. No extra movements to throw her off balance
Firm contact with the snow. Compression / extension and always moving down the hill into the next ...
United States Telemark Ski Team by Jesse Spaulding
This video highlights the sport of Telemark ski racing in the US and the US National Telemark Ski Team. This video takes place at the 2010 US Telemark National Championships at Whitefish Mountain Resort, March 18-21.