US Team Membership: 2020 Season
Hometown: Provo, UT

Home Ski Hill/Resort: Sundance, UT
Birthplace: Wodzislaw Slaski, Poland
Year of Birth: 1976
Education: BA in English from the University of Idaho, MS in English from Towson University, Ph.D. in English from Miami University of Ohio
Personal Sponsor: Pink Elephant Coffee, Inov8 Architecture
USTSA Sponsors: Karbon, Global Rescue, Saucer Wax, Minus33, Telemarkdown, 22 Designs
My Skiing History:
When I moved to Utah in 2011 to take a position as an English Professor at UVU, I fell in with a great group of hooligan friends, who love all things outdoors—just like me. One day, after a glorious crash on my mountain bike, as we tailgated in the Sundance parking lot, they said to me: “You’re going to have to learn to ski, or it’ll be a long winter.” I looked up at the mountain behind me and agreed. Days later, I bought a season ski pass to Sundance and began the hunt for ski gear, which ended up consisting of the following: a borrowed bright red ski coat that was two sizes too big, my sister’s old snowmobile pants that were way too short for me, skis far too long from a very tall colleague at work, gloves with holes, and a hat (because who needs a helmet?). When the snow finally came that December, I went to the mountain and put my feet on skis for the first time. Once off the lift, I followed my friends’ directions: “You go down the mountain. If something gets in your way, turn.” Not only did I get down the mountain, but I got down with a massive grin on my face. I’ve been a skier since. As for tele, well, I met a man … with a beard.
My Goals and Motivation:
There’s a reason I’m a professor: I love to learn. So, my goals as a tele skier are to learn from my USTSA team members and continue smiling as I race down the mountain.
What I Love about Telemark Racing and Skiing:
Tele skiing means hearing cheering from skiers on the lift when they see you coming down any mountain—regardless of skill level. Tele racing means gate judges knowing your name and shouting support—even if they have to give you a gate penalty. Tele community means giving love—to each other and to the mountain.
Interesting Facts About Myself:
1. I love lists.
2. I love school—so, I never left.
3. I love to knit (and, often knit socks during ski events).
4. I love to kayak, especially backcountry (see no other person for days) kayak trips.
5. I love to camp.
6. I love to hike—plan to conquer every peak in view from my house.
7. I love to sew. Don’t ask me for pajama pants; you’ll get them.
8. I love being native-born Polish and bilingual.
9. I love red wine … okay, all wine.
10. I love coffee (especially Pink Elephant Coffee of Park City).
The Chadwick Stokes, in their song “Coffee and Wine,” have me right when they sing, “She drinks coffee like it’s fine wine, wine like it’s water.”
Competition Results:
2019-2020 will be my first year on the Masters team. Wish me luck.