Team Members head to 2011 World Cup
Shane Anderson and Cory Snyder, A Team members, are headed to the first round of World Cup Racing this season. Joining them will be Regional Team members Maggie Doherty and Cole Schneider. Lorin Paley, who has been living and training in Switzerland since October will not be competing as she has returned home for an evaluation of her knee that had surgery last spring. She hopes to return to Europe for races later in the season. Follow Lorin on her website.
The first two races will be held in Bad Hindelang, Germany on January 12 and 13 followed by a stop in Bohinj, Slovenia on the 15th and 16th. The next week, the Brittish team will host races in Rauris Austria on January 21 and 22.
Anderson and Snyder plan to spend the season, or much of the season, in Europe and attend every race. Anderson has said that this is his last year racing and wants to give it his all. The Steamboat Today recently ran a story about Anderson and his goals for this year. READ STEAMBOAT TODAY STORY
Cory Snyder just finished his first semester at the University of New Hampsire and is ready to devote the winter to racing. Follow Cory on his Blog page.
Maggie Doherty and Cole Schneider are both living in Whitefish and training with 5 time National Champion, Kelsey Schmid-Sommer. This is Maggie’s first year racing at the World Cup level and she is excited to be traveling with experienced WC racers. Cole competed in the World Cup events in Colorado last season and is looking forward to testing his skills on the European courses. The Whitefish Pilor, recently ran a story about Maggie and Cole. READ THE WHITEFISH PILOT STORY.