1990 – 1999 Highlights

Chris Rice 1999
USTSA was incorporated in Utah in December of 1993 and received 501(c)3 status in 1994. The Trustees of the new organization were Charlie Hassard, Ellen Guthrie and Beth Campbell (Long). Three additional directors were named in 1994 to represent their geographical area; Tory Hauser – Colorado, Scott McGee – Northwest, Francois Paul Hus – Utah, Claud Muff – East.
Regional race series, local mountain festivals and “telemark beer leagues” expanded during the 1990’s and were the breeding ground for the top racers and provided much fun for many telemark skiers across the US.
FIS became the sanctioning organization for the international competitions. In January 1995 Glenn Gustafson of Whitefish became the first US Racer to compete in a FIS Telemark World Cup race, claiming 19th overall at LaPlagne, France. His US teammates joined him the next day, but travel delays kept them from the first day of FIS competition.
Chris Rice dominated the men’s field in the 1990’s winning 5 of his 7 US National Championships during this time. The sixth and seventh championships were in 2002 and 2005.
In the late 1990’s, Reid Sabin, of Whitefish, MT began competing on the international stage and would go on to become the World Champion in 2000 and 2001.
Top women during these years included Beth Long, Ellen Guthrie, Jennifer Borzarelli, Heather Paul and Cody Thompson