Skin and Ski- Loon Mountain

USTSAHad a great Saturday, January 5th, at Loon Mountain- where they once again held their Skin and Ski Race. Having participated in the race last year, I was excited to be invited back by a very welcoming and helpful Staff at Loon Mountain. The race went smoothly and I think that i can safetly say that as a whole the day was a success: from the race to the clinics.

The day was full of people eager to learn with the free demo equiptment provided by Village Ski and Sport. During the day I had a chance to meet telemark skiers of all levels; cross-overs, indermediate, advanced, and even a handful that had never skied at all!

I hope that this event, and ones similar to it, continue to run in the future, as it is a great way to pull telemark skiers from around New Hampshire together as well as get more skiers interested and aware of telemark skiing.

To read my interview with Loon Mountain and more about the days events visit the mountains blog at