Let there be White!
Let there be White!
Now I’m ready for winter! The October storm snuck up on me, but these last few I’ve been ready for. It’s nice to see white outside the windows now. Last weekend was great to see the snow coming down outside every time I looked and went out.
As a former snowmaker it’s always a little strange to see the snow guns running up on the mountains as well. Part of me really wishes I was still working with the crew, making the white. Then I think about it a little harder and remember just how much work it is post-holing waist deep wet snow with 50ft of frozen hose in sub-zero temps, in the dark. To those who have never done it, please buy that ski-bum snowmaker in the bar next to you a beer next time you have a chance. Those guys work VERY hard every season to ensure our season starts on time and goes late into the spring.
Sunday I was excited to get out and try a final sail of the season in the snow. Though we actually ended up sailing just below the snow level, it was fun just to get out this late in the season and have a final day on the water. I really do like the late fall season in Utah. I am able to hike and ski in the morning (though a couple resorts are now open) and sail in the afternoon if I want. Elisabeth and I did have a great hike in the white on Saturday, too. We bushwhacked up Ecker hill (of ski jumping fame) behind the house and had a great time playing in the snow and trees. We do miss our dog though.
Last week we had an amazing fall weekend down in Moab too. We returned for one day of sunny fall and then the storm rolled in. As my soon-to-be brother in law stated this morning, “looks like winter is moving in and starting to unpack!” Yes it is. Thanks for that, Scott. Welcome winter!