Tele Race Camps with Steamboat Springs Winter Sports Club
We hope everyone is enjoying a warm, sunny and colorful autumn; it is beautiful here in the Yampa Valley. We want to share with you the great line up of Tele camps that Steamboat Springs Winter Sports Club has lined up for this fall and winter. Anyone, of any age, who is a tele skiier interested in racing may join our program during these sessions.
SSWSC Tele Camps:
Fall Skiing, skiing most likely starting on October 22-23, October 29-30, and November 5-6 (weather and snow pending for all dates). Again anyone is welcome to ski with us on these weekends. Lots of millage and simple technical work.
Fall Camp, November 10-13 at Loveland and/or Copper. Intense skiing work going through progressions starting with stance and balance(fore/aft and lateral), rotary/steering movements, edging/carving actions and pressure.
Numerous drills following a sequence from the most simple to complex movements that must be mastered before the next one can be attempted. We are very anal about this so it is very challenging. Each drill is followed by free skiing to solidify the goal of the drill. When an athlete regresses from newly acquired skill or starts a bad habit, that athlete will revisit and master the previous skills. This may sound tough but this is the time of year to get all the bugs out, bad habits erased and new ideas and feelings started.
Video will be used on the hill and be reviewed both in the lodge at lunch as well as on a full sized TV after skiing and dryland in the evening. Lodging most likely not be set-up but we can point folks in the right direction.
Fall Skiing, November 19-20th, either at Loveland, Copper or Vail($$).
Lift tickets will cost approximately 30$ at Loveland and 27$ at Copper, (bought in group sales with SSWSC).
Christmas Camp, December 27 – 31 in Steamboat.
World Cup Pre-Race Prep Camp, February 8-10 in Steamboat.
Guest coaches may include Shane Anderson, Charlie Dresen and other SSWSC Nordic XC, Nordic Jumping and Alpine coaches
Best results occur if you start on the first day so you can follow with the group. It is difficult to have late arriving athletes and bring them up to the level of the group.
Cost: $50 per day. Discount if you pre-pay for multiple camps. Lift tickets are additional.
If anyone has any questions, please feel free to call Ty Upson or Chad Bowdre
- Ty: 970.846.0548 Email:
- Chad 970.291.9100 Email:
Hope many of you can join us for these opportunities.