Regional Team Plan Announced

The Board of Directors approved the formation of a new “Regional Team” to be established for the 2010 season at its July 21 meeting.  This effort will be headed up by Roy McKinstrey, a racer and father of D team member Madi McKinstry, out of Steamboat Springs.

The intent of the Regional Team is to recognize athletes, of any age, that have demonstrated a commitment to the sport of telemark skiing and continue to improve their skills.  Regional Team members will typically have a long term goal of being selected as a member of the USTSA A, B or Development Team.

 Regional team members will be ambassadors of the sport and of USTSA at their home ski area and the surrounding region.

 The Regional Team will be comprised of 8-10 adult and junior racers for the 2010 season.  Nominations must be emailed to  by USTSA Team Members or Telemark Coaches by September 1, 2009 at which time, the Board of Directors will choose the team members.

 Following is the criteria for selection:

1.         Have competed in at least 1 USTSA sanctioned event in the past year.
2.         Committed to continued improvement and to compete in a minimum of 1 USTSA sanctioned event per year.
3.         Register as a USTSA Competitive member.
4.         Be nominated by local telemark coach, member of USTSA National Team or USTSA board member based on race results that could include:

    • Top 3 finish in the racers age group and gender for Masters and 14 and younger.
    • Points results for adult Elite racers

5.         Purchase USTSA Regional Team jacket
6.         Sign Regional Team contract
7.         Some athletes that are eligible to be members of the USTSA A,B or Development teams but decline due to contract requirements would have the option  to be a member of the regional team.

It is anticipated that Regional Team members will be invited to ski and train with USTSA Team Members as is practical.  Regional Team members may be able to take advantage of “pro deals” on equipment that would normally only be available to USTSA Team members.   Regional Team members would also be invited to any organized training events organized by USTSA.