Aren Moynihan -Profile

US Team Member: 2017-2022 Seasons

Hometown: Keene, NH
Home Ski Hill/Resort:  Magic Mountain
Birthdate: 2003
Education: Attending High School


USTSA Sponsors: Karbon, Global Rescue,  Saucer Wax, Minus33, Telemarkdown, 22 Designs

My Skiing History:

I started cross country skiing when I was three and, even then, I think I was trying to telemark. When I was five, I went downhill skiing for my first time. I went with my dad, who had found a pair of telemark skis at the “swap shop.” When I was eight, my family moved to Plymouth, NH, and we were able to ski at Cannon Mountain on a regular basis for the first time. I skied on alpine skis for a year, and switched to telemark the next. Two years later I went to my first telemark race.

My Goals and Motivation:

Because of the pandemic I didn’t get any time in a course last season, so I’d just like to get to race this year.

What I love about Telemark Racing and Skiing:

A properly executed telemark turn can be really satisfying, the adrenaline helps too of course.

Interesting Facts About Myself:

I really don’t like warm weather, and I enjoy writing software.

Competition Results:

2020 Season:
Waterville Valley Sprint Classic: 3rd (Juniors, technically not incorrect, but I usually race in the Expert division)
Kare Anderson TeleFest Sprint Classic: 2nd

Karbon US Telelmark National Championships at Croched Mountina:
– Classic #1: 13th
– Classic #2:  14th
– Sprint Classic: Did not finish run #1 due to a equipment failure
– Parallel Sprint: 1/16 Final (6 way tie for 17th)

2019 Season:
Gore Mountain Sprint Classic Day 1: 14th
Gore Mountain Sprint Classic Day 2: 12th
Gunstock Sprint Classic: 17th (I fell)
Bromley: 5th (just juniors)
Karbon National Championships Classic 1: 9th
Karbon National Championships Classic 2: 13th
Karbon National Championships Sprint: 11th
Karbon National Championships Parallel Sprint: 9th

2018 Season:
– Waterville Valley day 1 sprint: 9th
– Waterville Valley day 2 sprint: 9th
– Karbon Telemark National Championships Day 1 sprint classic
– Karbon Telemark National Championships Day 2 sprint classic
– Karbon Telemark National Championships Day 3 duals

2017 Season:
I made it to one race because I fractured my ankle, I am happy with the way I skied there though.

2016 Season:
I raced as a Junior in the 2016 Season and I placed first in every race with the exception of the parallel sprint. These are the the races I participated in:
Kare Andersen Memorial Sprint Classic
Karbon National Championships:
Classic #1
Classic #2
Citizen and Junior Parallel Sprint
Cannon, Mt Sprint Classic